Thursday, January 8, 2009

My article is about a new material that scientists have created called Frozen Smoke or Aerogel. It is so light it will float on your hand yet strong enough to withstand a bomb explosion.
Here is a link to the article.

This stuff is so freakin' cool. I want to see what they willl do with it in the near future.
My article this week is about how the company Aluminum giant Alcoa (AA, Fortune 500), is about to cut 13% of their workforce. This will make it from $900 million to $950 million extra for the company. Some other companies that are cutting people are Macy's and American Eagle.
Here is a link to the article.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My article is about how Chrsyler shut down 30 of their U.S. plants for around a month, roughly adding 2 extra weeks to their employees layoff. They say that this is because of slow consumerism and that this should help them with their buys.
Here is a link to the article.

This is not good. This shows that even the big wigs, like the Big Three, are having problems with the economy these days.
My article is about how the mortgage rates dropped to 5.19%, the lowest rates in 37 years. this is the seventh week in a row that the rates have been dropping.
Here is a link to the article.

I think that this is really good and bad because it is going to make buying houses easier, but it shows how bad the economy is curently.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My article is about how a 13 year old kid named Jonathan King, hung himself in his school in Georgia. He was put into a "time out room" that the schools has. This room is equivilent to solitary confinement in a prison and is used for children that have ADHD or autisim.
Here is a link to the article.

I think that the whole room thing is ridiculous. They should not have those rooms for children. I mean come on, they're little kids! They shouldn't have these rooms for little kids. I think that they should've talked to Jonathan more and maybe that would've helped with his depression.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My article is about how major computer companies are looking at the climate change problems and how they are going to help stop it. I got my article from
Here is a copy of the article.

I think this is good because it will show the rest of the world that the big wigs are starting to care about the environment.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My article is about how the Big Three auto making companies may not be able to come back up even after the bailout from the government. They are saying that they will have to make more loan proposals so that they can connect the loans and bailouts together. This will help the economy because they will help make sure that the Big Three will come back up.
Here is an attachment of the article.

I think that this is good because it will help the economy if they can bring them back up. The economy will not be able to recover if these companies crash.